Thursday, April 23, 2009

Shakespeare's birthday

In honor of Shakespeare's birthday today, I give you three images of me in some interesting costumes. FYI: I had a quick change from the Hippolyta outfit into the fluorescent-green fairy outfit, which was a challenge. If only because of singing in two layers of corseting.

To close, Shakespeare's friend Ben Jonson's elegy of him:

I loved the man, and do honour his memory (on this side Idolatry) as much as any. He was (indeed) honest, and of an open and free nature: had an excellent Phantsie; brave notions, and gentle expressions: wherein he flowed with that facility, that sometime it was necessary he should be stopped:…His wit was in his own power; would the rule of it had been so too. …There was ever more in him to be praised than to be pardoned.

God bless Craig Ferguson for praising amateur productions of Shakespeare tonight. I so agree with his story of what an audience actually watches. ~Jenn

Images: Jenn as Peaseblosssom from 1996, Hippolyta and Moth from 2002.

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