Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Other things to Look At

In case you wanted more on Bonzuko Movement Arts, check out the following links:
The Bonzuko website is way fledgling--just started it recently. It'll soon be more in sync with this blog. For now, the blog is the place to go for current Bonzuko events.
The portfolio is pretty ancient--I set it up way back in 2001 or 2 when I first got hired by DU as an instructor, and I've been using it mostly as a website for myself and my work.

So pretty soon, the Stage Combat and Movement tabs on the Portfolio will be morphed into, and the site and the blog will be more in sync.

But there are pretty fun pictures to look at, especially on the portfolio, so have fun!


1 comment:

Bonzuko said...

I just got picked to be used as an example for DU folks learning how to use their Portfolio function. Apparently my DU portfolio is one of the best ones at DU. Maybe it's the exciting stage combat and aerial dance photos. :)